All Tech Is Human: Co-Creating Responsible Technologies and Communities of Technologists

The Public Interest Technologist fosters dialogues within the MIT community and engages innovative initiatives that foster ethical, equitable, and inclusive strategies for technologists across sectors. For this reason, the Technologist turns to organizations and institutions paving the way for comprehensive, community-based approaches to improving public interest technology and shaping public interest technologists.
Public interest technology thrives through community dialogue. Therefore, the Technologist sees All Tech Is Human as an important community and collective resource for anyone interested in fostering more ethical and inclusive technologies. As a non-profit, All Tech Is Human provides the following mission statement:
"All Tech Is Human...unites people, organizations, and ideas from across the globe to tackle wicked tech & society issues moving at the speed of tech. We have a wide range of activities designed to make a more cohesive Responsible Tech ecosystem that promotes knowledge-sharing and collaboration, illuminates pathways for new voices, and dramatically speeds up our ability to deal with complex tech & society issues. (Source:
All Tech Is Human develops programming, produces podcasts, hosts a job board, publishes “Guides for Responsible Tech,” and issues reports on “Tech & Democracy” as well as “AI and Human Rights.”