“The Case for Digital Public Infrastructure”

The Public Interest Technologist features Ethan Zuckerman's strong case for the development of Public Service Digital Media. Here, Zuckerman advocates for auditable, transparent digital infrastructures whose services can be examined publicly and operate for public good. We have selected this article because it is grounded in examples of public digital media infrastructure, such as the BBC in the United Kingdom.
This article was originally published by the Knight First Amendment Institute on January 17th, 2020 as a part of the “The Tech Giants, Monopoly, and Public Discourse” Essay Series. Ethan Zuckerman is an internet activist, professor of Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts and former director of the MIT Center for Civic Media.
Full Citation:
Zuckerman, Ethan. “The Case for Public Digital Infrastructure,” Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. April 17, 2020. https://knightcolumbia.org/content/the-case-for-digital-public-infrastructure